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Becoming an Auntie

On March 26th, 2016, I became an Auntie (Eek!)

It’s safe to say that a LOT has changed in the last year. Last July my brother told me that he had a secret that I couldn’t share for 3 months. That is all he needed to say, and right then I knew I’d be an Auntie within 9 months + a week or so.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love kids. Since I’m not at a point in my life where I want my own babies, I bug my older brothers and their wives to have kids pretty much all of the time (They can attest to this).

Now, I’m sure you can imagine my excitement when little Nathaniel Walter Schnitzler came along, especially since he waited to grace us with his presence so that I could be there (Sorry Katie).

Six months later I am still over the moon about being an Auntie. Being an Auntie is getting baby cuddles, smiles, and the occasional diaper duty. It is so cool to see my brother and sister-in-law in their new roles as parents; I look up to them a lot. Having a baby is a wild thing, and they have managed to enter parenthood in such an awesome way.

It is so precious to have a baby in the family. I really want to cherish the way it has felt to become an Auntie for the first time, because inevitably the Schnitzler Clan will continue to grow in the coming years.

Nathaniel, Thank you for being such a special little dude. You listen to me sing and fall asleep 25% of the time when I do so. Even though it seems like you purposely puke on me, I don’t think you’ll ever know how special you are to the family, but I’ll try to make it so.

I am an ecstatic Auntie and there’s no doubt that I am better because of it.

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