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A Year in Review: 2016

Wowee. 2016 seems to have received a bad reputation. It is absolutely insane how fast a year can go by, and how much can change without you even realizing that it did. For me, 2016 was a year of letting go and moving forward.

Early in the year I turned 19, and enjoyed all of the amazing things about being legal in British Columbia. I'm still so surprised when I don't get ID'd (I look like I'm 12). As the year moved forward our family gained the first of many new members, Nathaniel. He is so loved.

And in May, our Grandma passed away. For anyone who didn't know her, she was the strongest woman I have ever known. Herself and our Grandpa did so much for us and it was so hard to say goodbye. Losing our Grandma really showed me the strength that we have as siblings, and as a whole family. She always told me how important it is to be an independent woman in the world we live in, and for the rest of the year I used this as motivation to keep accomplishing my goals.

For the rest of the Summer I began to realize the importance of getting rid of anything that held me back from being the best me. Now this might sound a little selfish, but honestly, everyone and everything in your life should motivate you to be the best that you can be. Life is way too short. I learned that it can be hard to let go and move on, but "somewhere over the rainbow" is totally attainable and amazing. My Grandma showed me how much you can do when YOU are in control of your life, and that's exactly what I did.


As the Summer ended I began my job as a Community Leader (or residence advisor) at the University of Victoria. My co-workers (who are more like family) have made this year so amazing. They are some of the coolest people you will ever meet!

Since I started school back in September, the months have zoomed past. I have experienced so much in 4 months, growing as a student, leader, and person.

Looking back at my 2016, I have learned the importance of loving those who hold you up. 2016 certainly wasn't easy, but I like to believe everything happens for a reason. Looking forward to 2017 I am stoked to welcome another niece/nephew into the world, and to start a new adventure with one of my favourite organizations EVER...

Wishing you all the happiest New Year. Take hold of all that you are and move mountains, you'll be better because of it.

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